Saturday 20 July 2013


Cyetry 3


Riders escape as Chimera calls
triallist routes through tree tunnels 
custom carbon with Wicca in the dales 
fields of scent covered with green

Villages slowing time in England
white wattle daubed walls black beams 
Gatorskin grip on green lanes 
crashing, rolling fields 
A fox trot in a flattened valley world 

Out of the blue a trail to tea rooms 
tucked away -a Tibetan retreat in a Scottish highland 
through an ancient gate 
racing away with my wild love

A peaceful country pub; an isolated ale
It's real, the Camra never lies
Monros stare over hills green and black
Crask punctuates a long and winding road
the treeless forest land bows. 
Chapeau .

Pump....electric blue sky ,with
cassette tackling contours of the coast 
booster gell, sound of swell
shimmering beach track where
seagulls dance and
Graeae waves 
fall, crash, calm, cycle
Summer breezed legs pump till
pavement turns to sand.


Plunging through Green Lanes,
wildflowers twitter for  pterygota.
collude with cottages, thatcherism rife
white van, untamed heathland, 
Harpies cause fatigue by magic

Shards of golden light 
piercing great limbs of Oaks,
Horned gods parting fronds
Grab bottle, gulp and 
grip through craggy landscape, 
behold the babbling blue 
A nod to Oceanides freedom of the forest

Lanes conspire with  pot holes, 
freewheel gears on an ancient monument,
 medieval post holes-for Mick,
now digging the Great Spirit 
fresh smell, contented Cow


A dash of orchid in the hedgerow
single track with an unkempt strip of green hair over invisible white line 
brake...tractor splinters flint,
breaks sacred arrowheads
inner tube inner turmoil 

Mr Badger hates society.
road kill . Cull. Trouble at Den
Speeding van. Butt flies freely. Fumes. Poisoning the allotments of hope
Green man fading through to grey.
Come on.

Concrete beckons, brick city outskirts
traffic, tension, tailbacks, turbos.
loaded lorries looking for Motorways
Turn down some Avenues
Turn up some Streets
Cars carry consumers
Gardens most neat.

Nephelae display for demise of city Gods.
Badger, Badger,what did you die for? 
Badger says nothing at all
Au revoir Gaia.
I would search everywhere to hear your song.
Soft silent veil falls.

Pegasus stabled.
Afterglow invades every cell.

Thursday 4 July 2013

Cyetry #2 A cycling poem mostly in Italian

Cyetry #2 A cycling poem mostly in Italian

 I read this:
and then wrote this:

Dave il mito

 pedaleur de charme
without Fare brutta figura

Dave il mito. 
il Portmuthian

Un uomo solo รจ al comando, il suo nome e Dave
Era squisito.........Polemica
Dave il mito. 
il Portmuthian

He is alone,
alone on his bike.
La Dame Blanche-Pegasus

Dave il mito. 
il Portmuthian

He is a man.
Un uomo solo

Dave il mito. 
il Portmuthian

Dave viva, 
Dave il mito
Cima Dave

Dave il mito. 
il Portmuthian

Strada bianca
Le plaisir

Dave il mito. 
il Portmuthian

L'amore e una cosa meravigliosa
Reverente pellegrinaggio
Velo is an anagram of love

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Cyetry: defeating the Hill


Adjust and re-balance 
The hill is defeated
A prize ahead, appears long and smooth, down there. 
Hedgerows flash by, gates chase. Smile.
A long curve. A slight tilt. Smile.
Not so sharp. Big gear. Flying. Smile. 
Long and smooth. Smile.
Hands on the drops. Blowing down the road. Smile.
Nature smiles with you. Smile. 
Clouds crown you. Smile.
Far away chalky Downs flash white earth. Smile.
A junction. A grassy triangle. Flint, sharp and tooled up. A readjustment. A glance at the wooden post. Hill to the right. 
Push off to the hill. Smile.